This unit is ideal for preschoolers &/or lower primary education (1rst – 3rd graders) in the EFL/ESL context so vocabulary aquisition, spelling & writing can be practiced.
This unit is ideal for preschoolers and/or lower primary education (1rst – 3rd graders) in the EFL/ESL context so vocabulary acquisition, spelling & writing can be practised.
Warmer days and summer so close! Then, planning a unit like this matches with cool water games outdoors and is synonym of FUN.
How did I structure the unit? These are the steps I followed and some learning I had in the process:
First, I introduced the vocabulary with Flashcards: both digital (click here to see the DIGITAL version) and printable. I found songs, books, posters & we made a Diorama of a beach to decorate the classroom.
I also used the flashcards to play “What do I have?,” a guessing game to warm-up the class. To play this game, I shuffle the flashcards face down on the table/floor then get the pack of flashcards with both hands and approach them to my chest. I sneak a peek of one card and ask “What do I have here?” The children have to ask me questions trying to guess that flashcard. I sometimes give them some clues. The student who guesses it comes and switches places with me and does the same.
- Pattern: I used this resource with the little ones. I modelled the first 3 saying orally the vocabulary & made a pause at the last picture to help them guess what came next. The following patterns went easily, it was an activity they enjoyed a lot. I printed a pair of them, laminated them & left them in a tray (like Montessori’s) for them to play, reinforce whenever they pleased. My surprise was that the next days the took them, pretended to be me & took turns teaching each other.
- Domino & Bingo games: I divided them into groups to play both games…. They were already familiar with BINGO game, so I let them play autonomously & at the next table it was me with other 4 students teaching them how to play DOMINO. Then, they swapped.
Check out the Domino game HERE!
I printed them both sides. There are 6 different boards for BINGO game. Find the video here!
- Picture Gap: Now they were already familiar with context & vocabulary, it was time for the INTERACTIVE game. It has both speaking & writing skills in it. Students have to describe what’s missing from both pictures without seeing each other’s, they guide using some promts from the worksheets & describe using prepositions.
Due to covid 6 hybrid classes, I changed this game from printable to DIGITAL to play during our Zoom classes. I divided them into students A & students B, the teacher will receive the whole picture. During the class, they had to ask where some items were and DREW the exact location using a specific language structure: there is/are + prepositions (The resource is provided with all answer sheets).
I hope you enjoy this fantastic lesson & your preschool students have fun with this unit as much as mine. If you have questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to write right on the comments below.
Kind Regards.